304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM


免責聲明 (中文版本)


所有指導均取決於您自己的解釋。購買我們的靈性服務時,您同意任何提供的信息/指導不構成法律、心理學、財務、醫療或商業建議,也不是其替代品。您對基於您所接受的靈性服務內容做出的選擇和/或行動負有全部責任。當您購買靈性或心靈閱讀,或任何我們的靈性產品或服務時,您同意已閱讀並理解本免責聲明的詳細內容,同意該免責聲明,並釋放Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre的任何和所有責任/責任,以免責於您可能採取或未採取的任何行動。

您承認,Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre不對因在Zoom、Facebook、Instagram、Whatsapp、電子郵件或電話上提供的靈性指導而產生的任何直接、間接或附帶、後果性或懲罰性損害負責。所有諮詢旨在提供對個人生活的洞察,僅限於提供靈性指導。這些靈性閱讀不以任何方式構成或替代專業建議,例如法律、財務、醫療或任何其他專業建議。通過參與或使用本網站上的產品和/或服務,您了解我們不會診斷疾病,包括與懷孕和死亡有關的問題。Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre不對我們的疏忽或欺詐性陳述導致的死亡或人身傷害負責。您了解使用這些靈性服務僅用於參考和靈性指導目的,並不意味著被視為專業判斷或建議。

由於對未來和結果的引用基於在靈性閱讀時的潛力、可能性和概率,受到您和其他人的行動或不作為,以及對閱讀時所說的內容的解釋,您了解沒有任何關於靈能或靈性閱讀、會話或諮詢的準確率保證,並且了解這不是靈能或占卜會談,Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre也沒有暗示或暗示這一點。通過使用本服務,您承認沒有成功的保證。任何情況下都不會退款。您支付的是代表您進行的服務,而不是支付結果。


通過預約和/或支付Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre提供的任何靈性服務(例如問答時間),或以任何方式與Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre進行通信,您證明您已經閱讀了這個法律聲明和服務條款。此外,您證明您理解並自願進入以下協議,並同意和接受以下內容:

  • 您已年滿18歲或以上。
  • 不能保證100%的準確性。

與 Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre的任何信息、通信和/或諮詢僅供教育和靈性指導目的。

Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre所提供的Zoom、Facebook、Instagram、Whatsapp、電子郵件或電話上的靈性閱讀,旨在提供靈性指導,並不應取代專業服務,包括但不限於:醫療、法律、財務、商業和/或心理學。

Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre不對任何客戶基於與Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre的諮詢所做出的任何行動和/或決定承擔責任和/或責任。

通過參與或使用Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre網站上的產品和/或服務,您同意無條件賠償並使Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre及其所有者免受因您使用所提供的服務而引起的任何和所有索賠、責任、費用、損害和/或損失。



  • 靈性閱讀需要事先安排和付款。
  • 不予退款。
  • 如果靈性閱讀超過預定時間,將在閱讀後開具發票。



Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre不聲稱寶石和水晶具有已證實的治療特性。與晶石和小石頭可能相關的治療和其他特性僅提供信息。此信息僅作為一項服務提供,不意味著取代任何醫療治療。


會話是通過在線會議或通過Zoom或Whatsapp進行的電話進行的。Zoom和Whatsapp是通訊工具,可允許加密通話和基於文本的對話。任何基於互聯網的通訊並不能保證100%安全/機密。如果任何外部方通過繞過其安全措施獲取了Zoom或Whatsapp的個人或機密信息,我同意Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre不承擔責任。


Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre將根據2016年《數據保護法》處理您的數據。請注意,提供您的詳細信息可能會不時收到有關預訂提醒、網站更新和優惠的通知。

  • 無論情況如何,均不提供退款。
  • 活動期間將拍攝照片和/或視頻。

參加活動即表示您授予活動組織者使用攝影/錄像拍攝所得圖像的全部權利,以及圖像的任何複製品或改編作品,用於募款、宣傳或其他促進和支持Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre的目的。這可能包括(但不限於)在印刷和在線宣傳、社交媒體和新聞稿中使用它們的權利。

如果您不希望被拍攝,請通知活動組織者。 Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre將不對個人手機上拍攝的任何照片或視頻負責,這些照片或視頻隨後被分享。有時Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre或主辦方會聘請專業攝影師。如果您不同意您的照片在社交媒體或網站材料中使用,請直接向Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre提出申請。


請注意:本網站及任何信息或電子郵件(包括任何附件),僅供本網站的訪客使用,僅用於教育和信息目的,並不構成臨床、法律或諮詢建議,聯繫本網站或從本網站、Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre或其他由Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre擁有或控制的網站發送或接收電子郵件,也不構成與Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre、其員工、承包商或輔導員建立任何醫學、臨床、輔導或治療關係。為確保符合適用法律和專業實踐的要求,請知曉,通信中(包括任何附件)包含的任何建議都不意味著取代與受過適當教育、持有資格並獲得許可的醫療保健專業人員進行適當面對面臨床諮詢。

所有發送到Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre和從Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre發送的信息均不具有保密性或特權,並未受到第三方觀察的保護,除非Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre明確聲明並且此保密性必然受到從發送地點到接收點所使用的通訊設備和技術的固有限制的限制。任何意外收件人在此被通知,嚴禁散佈、分發或複製任何電子郵件及其附件。如果收件人因錯誤而收到Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre、其員工或承包商或輔導員的任何電子郵件,請立即通過回復電子郵件通知我們,並永久刪除原始電子郵件消息及任何副本和印刷件。

Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre受商標和版權法的保護。    

最近更新日期:2024年6月 (以英文版本為準)

DISCLAIMER  (English Version)

Under HK law, you must be 18 years or older to use this service.

All guidance is subject to your own interpretation. By purchasing our spiritual services you are agreeing that any information/guidance provided does not constitute, nor is it a substitute for legal, psychological, financial, medical, or business advice. You claim full responsibility for the choices and/or actions taken based on the content of your spiritual services. When you purchase a spiritual or psychic reading, or any of our spiritual products or services, you agree that you have read and understood the details of this disclaimer, agree to the disclaimer, and release me, Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre of any and all liability/responsibility for any actions or inactions that you may or may not take.

You acknowledge that Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre are not liable for any direct, indirect, or incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from using the spiritual guidance available on Zoom, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, email or over the telephone. All consultations are intended to offer an insight into a person’s personal life and meant for spiritual guidance purposes only. These spiritual readings do not in any way constitute or replace professional advice, such as legal, financial, medical, or other professional advice of any kind whatsoever. By engaging in or using the products and/or services on this website, you understand that I do not diagnose illnesses, including questions pertaining to pregnancy and death. Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre will not be liable for the death or personal injury resulting from negligence on our behalf, or for fraudulent misrepresentation. You understand that the use of these spiritual services is merely for referencing and spiritual guidance purposes and is not intended to be regarded as professional judgment or advice.

Since references to the future and outcomes are based on potentials, possibilities, and probabilities at the time of the spiritual reading, based on your actions and other people’s actions or inactions and due to interpretation as to what was said at the time of the reading, you understand that there is no guarantee on the accuracy rate of a psychic or spiritual reading, session, or consultation and understand that this is not a psychic or fortune-telling session, nor does Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre imply or infer such. By using this service, you acknowledge that there are no guarantees of success. No refunds will be given under any circumstances. You are paying for a service to be performed on your behalf; you are not paying for results.

Neither I, nor anyone involved with the provision of these spiritual services shall be held liable for any damages arising from the inability to use the services and/or from errors caused by negligence, or otherwise. We are not liable for delays in providing information or carrying out our obligations due to factors beyond our control. When you sign up and/or pay for any spiritual reading, product or service on this website, you agree that you are using them at your own risk.

By scheduling and/or paying for any spiritual services, (for example question time), offered through Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre and/or communicating with Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre in any fashion, you are attesting that you have read this legal disclaimer and these terms of service. Further, you attest that you understand and willingly enter into, agree with and accept the following:

  • You are 18 years of age or older
  • 100% accuracy is not guaranteed.

Any information, communication and/or consultations with Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre are for educational and spiritual guidance purposes only.

No spiritual reading given via the Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre Zoom, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, email or over the telephone is intended to, nor should it ever take the place of professional services including but not limited to: medical, legal, financial, business and/or psychological.

Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre accepts no liability and/or responsibility for any actions and/or decisions any client chooses to take or make based on his/her consultation with Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre.

By engaging in or using the products and/or services on the Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre website, you agree to absolutely indemnify and hold harmless Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre and its owner from any and all claims, liabilities, expenses, damages and/or losses arising from your use of the services provided.

Copyright and confidentiality laws apply. You agree you will not publish, display, share, distribute and/or archive any material, photo, content, etc. without express written permission.

Payment Policies:

  • Spiritual readings are scheduled and paid for in advance.
  • No refunds
  • Spiritual readings which go over the allotted time are invoiced following the reading.

You have had the chance and taken the time to ask any and all questions, you fully understand and of your own free will, choose to enter into this legal and binding disclaimer and terms of service agreement.

No spiritual reading carried out will contain personal opinion, the reading should never replace advice from professional bodies.

Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre makes no claims as to the proven healing properties of gemstones and crystals. Possible healing and other properties associated with crystals and tumble stones are given for information only. This information is offered as a service and is not meant to replace any medical treatment.

By choosing to use our services, whether that be in person, online meeting, email, whatsapp or over the phone, you acknowledge that:

Sessions take place over online meeting or phone and via Zoom or Whatsapp. Zoom and Whatsapp is a communication tool which allows for encrypted calls and text based dialogue.  Any internet-based communication is not guaranteed to be 100% secure/confidential.  I agree that Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre will not be held accountable if any outside party gains access to Zoom or Whatsapp,  personal or confidential information by bypassing their security measures.

Any information that we discuss will be kept completely confidential unless you make a disclosure that would need to be reported to the police or other appropriate authorities in order to keep you or someone else/other people safe. If we have any concerns about either your safety/welfare, or someone else’s safety and welfare we shall have to pass this information on immediately.

Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre will process your data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2016. Please be aware that by providing your details, you may receive reminders about bookings and updates to the website and offers from time to time.

  • Refunds are not available regardless of the circumstances.
  • Photographs and/or video will be taken at events.

By taking part in events, you grant the event organisers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help promote and endorse Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in printed and online publicity, social media and press releases.

If you do not wish to be photographed, please inform the event organiser. Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre will not be held responsible for any photographs or videos taken on an individual’s personal phone, which are subsequently shared. Sometimes a professional photographer will be hired by Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre, or the host. If you do not consent to your photos being used across social media or website material, please write to Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre directly.

Disclaimer of Clinical Advice and Therapeutic Relationship:

PLEASE NOTE: This website, and any information or e-mail sent, including any attachments thereto, is intended only for the visitors to this site and is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute clinical, legal or counseling advice nor does contacting this site, nor sending nor receiving email from this site, Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre or other sites owned or controlled by Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre, constitute the establishment of any medical, clinical, counseling or therapeutic relationship with Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre, its employees, contractors or counselors. To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by applicable law and professional practice, please know that any advice contained in communication (including any attachments) is not intended to be taken as a substitute for appropriate face-to face clinical consultations with an appropriately educated, credentialed and licensed health care professional.

All information sent to and from Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre is not confidential or privileged and is not protected from third party observation unless otherwise specifically stated by Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre and such confidentiality is necessarily limited by the inherent limitations of any used communication devices and employed technology from origination point to point of receipt. Any unintended recipient is hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of any e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is strictly prohibited. If recipients receive any e-mail from Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre, its employees or subcontractors or counselors in error, please immediately notify us by return e-mail and permanently delete the original and any copy of the e-mail message and any printout thereof.

Fanfare Holistic Energy Centre is protected by both Trademark and Copyright Law.

Latest update date: June 2024 (English version prevails)